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Inspirational Quotes Funny


Unforgettable Witticisms: Laughter and Wisdom

The Art of the Quippy Quote

Words have the power to inspire, amuse, and provoke thought. When it comes to quotable gems, we often turn to the masters of wit who have left us with timeless and thought-provoking sayings.

When You Don't Know the Answer...

When you are asked if you can do a job, tell 'em Certainly I can! Then get busy and find out how to do it.

- Theodore Roosevelt

This quote embodies the spirit of determination and self-belief. It encourages us to embrace challenges, even if we don't possess all the necessary knowledge upfront.

Life's Unpredictable Nature

Life is like the stock market - some days you feel like a genius, and other days you feel like a piece of something the cat dragged in.

- Unknown

This humorous quote captures the ups and downs of life. It reminds us that good and bad times are part of the journey, and we should ride the waves with a sense of humor.

The Perils of Unrestrained Speech

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

- Abraham Lincoln

This wise adage cautions us against impulsive speech. Sometimes, it's better to keep our thoughts to ourselves than risk revealing our ignorance or saying something we may regret.

